
If you've ever applied for an Airport ID Pass, you know what a painful process it can be. All staff working either airside or landside (be it permanently or temporary) at an airport are required to have a valid ID Pass issued by the Airport they are working in. Whilst the rules underpinned by regulation have evolved or rather been added to, extended and further complicated, over 25 years, all except one of the UK’s Airports still use the same paper based processes.

It is a confusing process for both the airports and the companies applying for passes for their staff. Application rejection rates for permanent ID Pass applications of between 15% and 80% at Airports we work with confirm this. This detracts from the serious security process at hand, focusing energy on the administrative overhead, rather than mitigating an ever present insider threat.

This paper will examine the issues facing the current pass process and how new technology can help remove these issues ensuring a better process for all stakeholders. 

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