construction_enterprise_white_paperA number of trends have emerged in recent years creating a new and evolving regulatory framework within which the construction industry must operate. 

Firstly, the growth demands placed on the industry have demanded larger, core integrated construction businesses, often operating on a global scale, with a need to effectively manage complex information flows. 

Secondly, the increasing legislation around Health & Safety, migrant workers, passport to work and environmental information has demanded greater controls at the point of build: the construction site.

This white paper is a result of a roundtable discussion on the transition, aspirations and inhibitors featuring leading UK Construction companies including Lend Lease, Shepherd, Carey's and CSCS and features:

  • The Information Requirement - driven by regulation and complexity
  • Enterprise Workforce Management Reporting - current issues
  • The Evolution of Enterprise Reporting - from disparate to aligned systems
  • The Benefits of Enterprise Reporting - an impact to the top and bottom line

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